Amplitudes: The Mesa Boogie Blog

TransAtlantic® TA-30 Review and Randall Smith Interview ~ ToneQuest September 2012
The venerable ToneQuest Report has just released the September issue titled "Boogie Time" featuring an in-depth interview with Mesa Founder and Designer, Randall Smith, as well as a great nuts-and-bolts review on the TransAtlantic TA-30.
In the interview, Randall discusses the early days of Mesa as well as some of the latest designs in the works at the one-and-only Mesa shop in Petaluma, CA. Read through a number of never before told stories of Mesa's past and take in the continuing passion and dedication of the man behind so many innovations in vacuum tube electric guitar and bass amplification.
Tone Quest Sept. 2012 - TransAtlantic TA-30 Review and Randall Smith Interview
For more info on the TA-30 click HERE.
Our thanks to David Wilson and the ToneQuest Report for the green light to reprint the Boogie portion of this month's issue as well as the the candid questions to bring out some great stories from Randy! If you are looking for great subjects, writing and no-nonsense info on rock history, industry movers and shakers in both manufacturing and music PLUS great gear reviews, sign yourself up for a subscription to ToneQuest.