Excellence; Living The Code
The story of MESA/Boogie® is an American story. It's a musical story and a human-interest story, roots to world renown. It's based on simple, basic principles that never change or go out of style. It's a story of doing the right thing, of not taking shortcuts and of never giving up until you achieve, in earnest, what you set out to do. It involves vision, passion, drive, honesty, wisdom, perseverance, trust and the ever-empirical approach of less talk and more action. Undersell and exceed expectations.
Randall Smith
Designer, President, and Pioneer of PossibilitiesFor over 38 years, Randall has been creating the iconic circuits that drive the most influential sounds of our time. Randall has an ear for tone, a passion for tube technology, a vision for building high performance amps and an unwavering devotion to redefining what we think of as amplified guitar.
"I’m going to do the very best I possibly can on each and every amplifier, and serve each customer the best way I possibly can."
Randall Smith
President & Designer
"So, how did you get started, Randy?"
Read Randall's Story

Meet the Design Team
From the founding minds to the front-line, meet the family of passionate people behind every MESA/Boogie.
The Home of Tone®
So many features now considered standard were first introduced by MESA/Boogie®. In fact it’s fair to say that many of the important guitar sounds of the last three decades wouldn’t exist without the revolutionary circuits that made them possible.
1969 The First Boogie®
1971 Mark I
1978 Mark IIA™
1980 Mark IIB™
1983 Mark IIC™
1984 Mark IIC+™
1985 Mark III
1989 Bass 400+™
1990 Mark IV™
1991 TriAxis™ Preamp
1992 2 Channel Dual Rectifier®
1993 Tremoverb™
1994 Blue Angel™
1995 Basis M-2000™
1996 Heartbreaker
1997 Buster Bass 200™
1998 Formula™ Preamp
1999 Nomad™
2000 V-1 Bottle Rocket™
2001 WalkAbout®
2002 F-Series™
2003 Lone Star®
2004 Road King™ Series 2
2005 Lone Star® Special™
2006 Stiletto™
2007 Big Block™ Titan™ V12
2008 M6 Carbine™
2009 Mark Five™
2010 TransAtlantic® TA-15
2011 Mini Rectifier®
2012 Express 5:50+™
2013 Prodigy™ and Strategy™
2014 Mark Five: 25™
What Makes It Boogie?
At Mesa Engineering, we hand-craft instruments to inspire magic and to last for a lifetime. Here’s how:

Cabinets: Sound Construction
Inside and out, our cabinets are both innovative and sturdy.
See What Goes Into Our Cabinets
Vacuum Tubes: Tried and Tested
Meticulously selected. Ruthlessly tested.
Discover Our Uncompromising Process
Every MESA/Boogie, including all the cabinets, is entirely made in our one location here in Petaluma, California, where we’ve been since 1980.
"Man! That little thing really Boogies."
Carlos Santana
on the Princeton Boogie ®, the first high-power 1x12 Combo
Factory Tour
Every little thing here at MESA/Boogie is calculated for one purpose only: To Handcraft A Better All-Tube Amplifier.
Where Can I Get One?
Find your perfect tone. Locate a MESA/Boogie dealer near you.