Amplitudes: The Mesa Boogie Blog

Guitar Products, Tones And Tips, Video
Video: Royal Atlantic RA-100™ Demo
The Royal Atlantic RA-100 is on the streets and making rock history right out of the gates with it's straight ahead interface, big-headroom brilliant cleans and lush Vintage and Modern gain. This RA-100 video demo will get you up to speed on the simple-yet-versatile layout of both the front and rear panels as well as providing sample riffs showcasing the features, modes and wide sonic palette available in the new Royal Atlantic RA-100.
Mesa R & D tonemeister Doug West talks you through the features and rips through a few sample riffs along with other players from the Mesa Customer Service and Artist Relations team. The varied stylistic flavors this crew brings to the sample riffs shows just a few of the multitude of sounds this new EL-34 driven classic is capable of delivering. Grab a guitar, hit play and get ready to take a trip through the MESA/Boogie Royal Atlantic RA-100...
For more information, check out the Royal Atlantic RA-100 Product page at and get down to your local to dealer to 'feel' how good this amp sounds...