Amplitudes: The Mesa Boogie Blog

Rockshop - New Zealand
"The first Rockshop opened originally at 76 Karangahape Road, Auckland in 1986. By ordering and supplying key brands at great prices it set the New Zealand music scene on fire. As Auckland Rockshop surged in popularity, it eventually out-grew it’s premises at 100 K Road and spread into 98, 106 and 136 K Road - these stores now make up Auckland Guitar, Auckland Acoustic, Auckland Drumshop and Auckland Digital. Having specialist stores has allowed the original Auckland Rockshop to expand it’s extensive selection of electric and acoustic guitars, and all their accessories."

Shop Vibe
"The Karangahape Road Rockshop is the largest specialty store of its kind in New Zealand. The best brands and an amazing team give the Auckland Rockshop the ability to offer musicians the best experience possible."
"When you love what you do, it's not a job."
Adam Evans
Rockshop Branch Manager
"Far and away the biggest chain of it’s kind in New Zealand, with 27 stores nationwide, the Rockshop Group continues to expand both the number and size of its outlets and roster of the world’s best brands of Musical instruments and Equipment. Since establishment in 1986, growth has been dramatic with the Rockshop Group undoubtedly the industry and market leader. Rockshop has become a household name, synonymous with professional sales and service, the best available products, committed staff, innovative presentation, superior locations and a proactive commitment to local artists and the NZ Music Industry through partnerships such as Rockquest and Play it Strange."

"Rockshop caters to everyone from the greenest of beginners, career musicians, and international superstars through to the hardcore collector. Come on in and check out the Custom Shop room where you can find some incredible second hand and new guitars, and of course some of the best Boogies in the land."

Industry Trends
"The NZ Rockshop Group continues to grow the NZ market through its market leading brand support, professional approach and commitment to providing musicians of all levels with the best possible deals, service and products. The Group’s mission statement is simple “Best Prices, Best Service, Best Products, Best Deals”. It is within this simple framework that the group has flourished, driven by the desire to be the best.. and stay the best."
Thanks for checking out our featured MESA/Boogie® dealer! To visit the shop online or via social, find their detailed contact info here.