Amplitudes: The Mesa Boogie Blog

Artist, Video, Guitar Products
Tone Sessions: Nick Johnston Mark Five: 35™ "Remarkably Human"
MESA® Artist Nick Johnston delivers another tasteful and dynamic play through for the Tone Sessions, this time with the Mark Five: 35™ and the title track from his most recent album, “Remarkably Human”.
The Mark Five: 35 is an excellent mid-wattage version, offering the most classic Mark Series tones with gig-ready volume and headroom in a compact combo or head format. Nick’s playing here highlights the Mark Five: 35’s responsiveness to volume control changes and lighter techniques, particularly in the Mark IIC+ mode in channel 2. The tones morph smoothly between vocal and sustaining classic Boogie® lead tones when the guitar volume is higher or full on, while the lower volume settings provide near-sparkling clean sounds or sweet, subtle clip when guitar volume is rolled back or Nick is playing with lighter attack. Recorded with a Schecter Nick Johnston Traditional signature guitar with Schecter NJ Atomic pickups into the Mark Five: 35 head and Lone Star Open Back 1x12 23" Extension Cabinet with a Mesa Celestion 90 speaker. Mic’d with a Shure KSM313 and a Shure SM57. Mixed 45% KSM313 and 50% SM57 and 5% stereo room mic.
Ch. 1 Reverb 25%
Ch. 2 Reverb 65%
More information on the Mark Five: 35:
And the Lone Star Open Back 1x12 23" Cabinet:
Also check out Nick Johnston’s website for more outstanding music and playing: