Amplitudes: The Mesa Boogie Blog

Tones And Tips, Artist, Video, Guitar Products
Andy Timmons, Doug West and the MESA® Mark Five: 25™ In-Depth
Guitarist and tonemeister Andy Timmons sat down recently with Mesa®’s Director of R & D, Doug West, to discuss and play through all of the modes and features of the Mark Five: 25™ and a Rectifier® 2x12 Horizontal extension cabinet. As always, Andy provided some outstanding playing examples, showcasing the huge range of tonal possibilities and what sets it apart from other amps its size. In between world-class tones and riffs, Doug dials in the settings and provides design insights and incredible tone tips for the Mark Five: 25 that also apply to nearly all Mesa amps… Great info all the way through no matter what your favorite Mesa amp may be.
Here are the settings Andy and Doug explored with links to take you to that section of the video. Plus, there’s a downloadable settings page toward the end of this post!
Clean Settings
Fat Clean Settings
Fat Clean Settings w/ Reverb
Crunch Settings
Crunch Warm Solo Settings
Mark II C+ Settings
Mark II C+ Settings w/ EQ
Click here to download a PDF of these settings

Huge thanks to Andy for his time and exceptional playing and tone. It was great to have him here at the factory and we look forward to the next time!