Amplitudes: The Mesa Boogie Blog

Artist, Video
Artist Video: Bayside Rig Tours with Anthony & Jack
Anthony Raneri and Jack O’Shea of Bayside have been using Mesa amps since the beginning of their careers as one of pop punk’s most polished high energy outfits. Mesa Artist Relations spent some time with Ant and Jack on a recent headlining visit to San Francisco’s legendary Fillmore theater where they discussed their rigs and how they weave different tones together to create the perfect mix.
Anthony provides some great perspective on how to create the best balance of tones in a two guitar band while Jack talks about how those distinct guitar sounds also need to be in a specific frequency range to allow the bass to have its place in the mix. Check out the videos below complete with rig tours, tone tips and playing examples for their Mark V and Electradyne heads and Traditional and Rectifier 4x12 cabinets.
Anthony Raneri:
Jack O' Shea:
Thanks Ant & Jack for making Mesa amps sound great for all these years!