Amplitudes: The Mesa Boogie Blog

A Message from the Founder of MESA/Boogie® ~ Randall Smith ~ 2012
Hi and welcome to 2012. Thanks to you all, 2011 was a good year for us. Your acceptance of our new products keeps me inspired to continue innovating, and that's still my main passion. So: Thanks! Your feedback on the TA-30 TransAtlantics, the Mini Rec and the Royal Atlantic has been overwhelmingly positive. Meanwhile, the Mark Five continues to dominate our lineup and what a validation THAT is since it's a capsule history of what I've been doing for the last 40 years!
For the first time in 25 years, we've elected to 'stay home' from this year's NAMM show in Anaheim, CA. We aren't trolling for new dealers and much prefer to keep the soldering iron HOT! One thing I will miss about the show is greeting old friends and making new ones. It's really amazing when guys come up and tell me they ordered an amp from the original Home of Tone (my house) and spoke to me on the phone… in 1976! They talk about how cool that amp – and the whole experience – was. Most amazing, I still actually remember each one of those guys!
Alright, so we grew up as a company. But we never "sold out". I can't know everyone's name now but I can keep us true to our founding principles as the original Boutique Builder: "Handcraft the finest musical amplifiers possible, and treat each person as I myself would like to be treated".
My grandmother came to California in a covered wagon. In that same pioneering spirit, I've always loved building things… because it's an exploration. So we're not leaving our one-and-only shop in Petaluma (California) to chase the almighty buck into China. Let the other guys do that. We've got a comfortable but unstoppable groove going here. Almost everyone has worked here for 10, 20, 30 years and more and you can't duplicate that level of experience and dedication! My focus for 2012 remains, as always: KEEPING IT REAL! …and staying dedicated to affordable innovation with the highest performance, quality and personal service. Wait 'til you see what we've got coming!
Cheers and Thank You So Much!
Randall Smith
Designer & President