Amplitudes: The Mesa Boogie Blog

NAMM 2010 Artist Wrap-up
NAMM is the perfect place to check in with many of our endorsed Artists, catch up on their latest happenings and, of course, show them our latest happenings as well. Check out pictures of artists who stopped by and find out about their rigs and gigs this year...
2010 NAMM: Mesa Artist Wrap-Up
The NAMM show provides a great opportunity for us to catch up with many of our esteemed Mesa endorsees and this year was no exception. Here are some highlights of the appearances and experiences from the Artist corner at the 2010 NAMM show:
George Pajon (Black Eyed Peas) – The Mark V and Electra Dyne heads made the stage this year on top of Traditional Straight 4x12s to provide the guitar tones behind the 2010 BEP tour. George is using the Mark V for brilliant cleans in Clean mode and uses the Electradyne ‘Lo gain’ for the pushed/overdrive sounds in the show.
Ana Popovic – The European blues maestro played a festival with Walter Trout some years ago and asked him how he got his great tone. Armed with Walter’s secret settings, she’s been playing Mark IVs ever since. Ana dug into the Mark V at NAMM and we watched her eyes open wide with interest as well as finding the TransAtlantic intriguing. Ana will continue to tour throughout Europe and the US this spring/summer.
Walter Trout – Walter, ironically showed up just after Ana. Walter was surprised by his wife with a new Mark V this Christmas. He just finished tracking his new album “Common Ground”, on which he exclusively used the Mark V. Walter will be touring in support of the new album this year.
Blasko (Ozzy Osbourne) – Busy as always, with band management, Blasko is also getting excited about an upcoming run with Ozzy and his new guitarist. Touring is likely in 2010 – stay tuned. Big Blocks, Vintage Bass 4x12s, 2x12s and 4x10s are still delivering the Blasko bass wall-of-sound. And in his well known style, Metal horns are in full effect.
Scott Shriner (Weezer) – Scott stopped by to say hello… the Vintage Bass 4x12 and 8x10 were the bass delivery system of choice for much of Weezer’s touring last year. Keep an eye out for them on a few spot dates throughout 2010.
Al DiMeola – While he didn't expect to be blown away by HI 2 in the TransAtlantic TA-15's second channel, to our surprise, it was the 5 watt selection that did him in the most. "That's 5 Watts??!!" Doug West dialed Al in on some tones on the Mark V as well. Al is still using Lone Stars in his touring rig and will continue to tour the world in 2010.
Neil Boshart (Silverstein) – Neil is still crunching through the Stiletto Ace while Josh Bradford is blending both the Stiletto Ace and the Electradyne for his tones. They’ll be on tour with a bunch of other Mesa-endorsed bands for a great, high-energy lineup this summer.
John Petrucci (Dream Theater) – John continues to test the tonal limits of Mark V's on tour in support of Dream Theater’s latest release, “Black Clouds and Silver Linings”. John reports home frequently on finding new tones, blends and combinations in his mind-bending Mark V rig. John is also fired up for Dream Theater touring this summer as main support band for Iron Maiden throughout the US. Pictured above is John Petrucci dialing in tones on the TransAtlantic with Doug West.
Andy Timmons – Andy has FLIPPED over the TransAtlantic! Highlights of his appearance at the Boogie booth include Andy, John Petrucci, and Bernie Williams talking shop around the booth as well as an impromptu jam with Brad Gillis. Andy continues to employ his Lone Star and Stiletto rig for his other worldly tones but is dreaming of ways to incorporate the TA-15 into the rig. Pictured to the right is Sales General Manager, Steve Mueller, dialing in tones with Andy on the new TA-15.
Adrian Eccleston (Nelly Furtado/Kylie Minogue/Drake) – Adrian has been flying the Mesa flag for years on some of the biggest tours going. The Stiletto Deuce, Dual Rectifier heads and 2x12 Recto Cabs have been his go-to rigs for huge world tours with Nelly Furtado and Kylie Minogue. The TransAtlantic has now taken center stage with Adrian as he lays down the riffs and MD duties for Canadian hip-hop artist, Drake.
Brad Gillis (Night Ranger) – Brad brought some fire into the booth this year, starting up a jam with Andy Timmons as he tore things up on the TransAtlantic. Brad is still rockin’ his Red Mark V/Recto 4x12 stacks to match the classic Red Strat. Brad and Night Ranger will be touring this summer throughout the US. Brad is pictured left laying into some shred guitar while Director of U.S. Sales John Rinkor sneaks out from behind him to show some approval for the guitar pyro.
Greg Hetson (Bad Religion) – Greg continues his longstanding tradition of rattling eardrums with Dual Rectifer heads and Recto Standard 4x12s. His partner in crime Brian Baker recently revamped his cab rig with shiny new Red Rectifier Standard 4x12s with Black Grilles.
Marcos Curiel (P.O.D./The Accident Experiment) – Longtime Recto visionary, Marcos stopped by and was Thoroughly intrigued by the new Dual and Triple Rectifier features and tones.
Ilan Rubin (The New Regime) – This one-man rock mastermind’s solo project turned band, The New Regime, tracked most of the guitars on his album with the Electradyne.
Matt McJunkins (Puscifer, Ashes Divide) – Matt continues to hold down low-end duties for two bands. Puscifer - Maynard James Keenan's (Tool) project band – and Billy Howerdel's Ashes Divide. Never a dull moment at a Puscifer show.
Jonny Ray Bartel (The Knitters) – Jonny Ray stopped by to say that his Carbine M9 and 6x10 maintains upright bass dominance in the field. While at the booth, he was also seen taking time to help NAMM passers-by understand the subtleties of the new M3 Carbine combo.
Denny Jiosa – Another NAMM Jam highlight was Jazz Boogie-man Denny Jiosa steering some random NAMM noise into an actual jam with an up and coming Boogie kid playing a Santana classic. Thanks for making it music, Denny!
Paul Jackson Jr. - Always the Boogie enthusiast, Paul was thoroughly intrigued by the TransAtlantic’s potential and makes one more on the list. He is currently in deep with the Mark V and American Idol productions.
Mesa would like to thank all of its Artist Endorsees for their continued support and imaginative and loyal use of Mesa products!