Amplitudes: The Mesa Boogie Blog

New Looks for the New Rectifiers ~ Which one is yours?

Taking on the significant task to redesign one of the most iconic amplifiers of the last two decades didn’t just come down to new features and circuit changes. The Recto redesign was prime time for a fresh offering of new looks that punch through the heavy rock stigma and position the mighty Recto into a new light – versatile enough for all musical styles, both tonally and visually.
With an amp that's dressed appropriately for the gig, players of all styles can now harness the expansive tonal width of the Recto and further explore its lessor-used modes – Raw, Pushed, Vintage, and improved Clean – without getting clowned for having a "metal amp" on the blues job.
With the newly offered Standard Dress Options, the dead giveaway of Diamond Plate – which automatically denotes heavy rock and high gain – gives way to more subtle options that don’t necessarily say "face-ripping metal." And for the alt-rock crew, not to worry, there are a few new options that you'll want a piece of as well.
The many new Standard Dress Options available at no upcharge are detailed below. For the ultimate customization, minimum upcharges provide the opportunity for the one-of-a-kind amp of your dreams! Here’s the rundown on all the new standard options and a few custom options to get some ideas brewing…
But first, we have to start with the standard look that started it all. Here’s the new Multi-Watt Triple Rectifier head in the standard dress of Black Vinyl and Polished Chrome Diamond Plate Front Panel that you’ve all come to know and love…
Next, we have a Rectifier head in Black Vinyl with Black Vinyl Front Panel and Brushed Aluminum Front Vent shown on a Rectifier Standard 4×12 cab.
Or, perhaps the Black Jute Grille front panel is just the thing for a matching look between the head and cab? (Tan and Gold Jute Grilles are available for a small custom upcharge).
Rectifier head in Black Vinyl with Black Jute Front Panel and Brushed Aluminum Front Vent on a Rectifier Standard 4×12 cab.
Sometimes it's the subtle custom options make the look really pop! Brand new for 2010 is the availability of Black Anodized Front Panel tube vent available at a small upcharge as a custom order (as shown in the photo below and at the bottom of this post).
And, for a minimal upcharge, you can change the Jute grillecloth to match your favorite (or current) Mesa cab. It's a Tan Grille Recto-Head sandwich!
And for the purists out there seeking the true vintage look on the front panel, no vent is also an option.
The custom combination possibilities are staggering and getting an amp that no one has ever seen before is easier than ever. Custom options like Black Diamond Plate, Custom Color Vinyls or Gold or Tan Jute Grille options are all available to create the ultimate custom amp at minimal upcharges. Or, take a cruise through our Custom Design Gallery to see more photos and possibilities for custom Rectifier heads and many other amps and cabs. For custom option pricing, contact your local Authorized Mesa Dealer or International Distributor for more information.
If the new features and ever-increasing versatility of the NEW Rectifier designs don't already floor the G.A.S. pedal (Gear Aquisition Syndrome), ordering a one-of-a-kind custom piece that will be hard to find anywhere else is likely to be a finishing touch of its own.