Amplitudes: The Mesa Boogie Blog

Amplitudes Debut; What do you want to see here?

Its been a long time coming and were excited to open this forum of communication, education, Mesa Artist insights and a general helping of good times while keeping you up to date on the latest news from Mesa/Boogie.
BUT - what are you interested in learning about? What do you want to see here on the blog and from Mesa in general? Tech tips? Artist Settings? Pictures? Audio and Video demos?
Mesa has gotten to where it's at today by listening to its customers thoughts, ideas, suggestions and must-haves. Through this exchange comes improvement, innovation and greater connectedness to the customers who are inspired in their music by what we love to do – hand-building exceptional musical instruments to amplify guitar and bass. To all those customers who hear and feel the inspiration we feel (and particularly those who may not have found their Mesa yet) let us know what you want to see - on the blog and from the company. We couldn't do it without you and we look forward to your thoughts and where it takes us all next.
Take a moment to leave a comment (as many as you'd like) and let us know what features and info you'd like to see more of from Boogie. We'll do our best to bring those suggestions to more detail to the blog and turn your requests into reality, giving you the insider view to what, how and why we do what we do here at Mesa.