Mark IV™

Legendary in performance, these giant killers continue the legacy that first defined MESA/Boogie®.
Their compact size, stunning power and ultimate versatility have served legions of proud owners who see the Mark IV™ as the culmination of guitar amp evolution. The fifty thousand, II, III and IVs still in active duty are testament to this heritage.
Three Big Sounds …with individual control and total conviction: Rhythm 1 feels bouncy and shimmers with freshness. The Lead Mode is blistering high-gain focus. And Rhythm 2 covers that elusive middle ground. This mode alone can produce an alternate Clean, a purring Blues or a grinding Crunch.
All this and the elusive magic of Simul-Class™ …our patented way of enriching a power section. Think of it as two different power amps working simul-taneously. One extracts the juice of Class A sweetness while the other delivers the high power punch of Pentode Class AB.
Available as a Short Head (Width 18-¾ inches), Wide Body Head (Width 22-½ inches), Compact Combo or as a Wide Body Combo with a rear mounted Celestion custom C-90, the Mark IV pushes a big, articulate vintage voice.
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